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As technology advances, hackers are growing increasingly sophisticated in how they carry out their attacks. With the rapid progress of AI technology, criminals are leveraging its power as a potent tool to further their criminal agendas.

Here are the top AI-based attacks to watch out for and how you can prevent them.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks with the intention of gaining unauthorized access to a network or system. APTs typically involve a combination of various attack techniques, such as social engineering, malware, and zero-day exploits, to breach the target’s defences. Unlike traditional cyber attacks that have a one-time objective, APTs are characterized by their persistence and long-term presence within a targeted network.

Hackers use AI to identify vulnerabilities within a target’s security infrastructure, allowing them to bypass traditional security measures. AI algorithms can continuously learn and adapt to exploit these weaknesses. To prevent APTs, put an advanced threat detection system in place that can detect any suspicious activity on your network and analyze it for potential threats.

Deepfake Attacks

Deepfake technology uses AI algorithms to manipulate images, videos, or audio, creating realistic but fabricated content. Hackers can use deepfakes for malicious purposes, including spreading misinformation, impersonating individuals, and conducting social engineering attacks. To prevent deepfake attacks, businesses should train their employees to verify any unusual messages or videos before sharing them online. Additionally, businesses can use AI-driven deepfake detection tools that can identify fabricated content.

AI-powered Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are one of the most common cyberattacks, where attackers trick individuals into revealing their sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card details, or bank information. With AI, attackers can create highly personalized and convincing emails or messages that are difficult to distinguish from legitimate communications. Businesses can prevent these attacks by raising awareness, training their team to scrutinize emails carefully, and using email security software that can identify and prevent phishing attacks.

Adversarial AI Attacks

Adversarial AI attacks involve exploiting vulnerabilities in machine learning models. Attackers can manipulate data inputs to deceive AI systems, causing them to make incorrect predictions or decisions. This can have serious consequences in areas such as fraud detection systems. To prevent such attacks, businesses should use high-quality data inputs, conduct regular training of their AI systems, and use advanced intrusion detection systems.

AI-powered Malware

Malware powered by AI can adapt and evolve based on its environment, making it more challenging to detect and mitigate. AI-powered malware can intelligently evade traditional antivirus solutions and exploit vulnerabilities in systems. To prevent AI-powered malware integrate AI-based endpoint protection technology that can detect and mitigate malicious activity.

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular among cybercriminals. To minimize the risk of AI-based attacks, businesses should invest in cybersecurity technologies, conduct regular security audits, raise awareness among team members, and keep up to date on emerging cyber threats. By taking these steps, businesses can help their data and systems safe and secure from hackers.

About ACT

Applied Computer Technologies (ACT) is a full-service IT provider, specializing in Reinsurance and Finance. Services include Cloud Services, IT Services and Support, Microsoft 365 and Azure Services, Business Continuity, Telephony and Virtual CIO Services. ACT has locations in Bermuda, Cayman Islands and Canada, with customers worldwide. 

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