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Business Continuity

Complete Data Recovery and Business Continuity Solutions

Contact ACT

Why ACT for Business Continuity?

In today’s world, business continuity and data availability are two critical aspects of every operation. Effective business continuity and disaster recovery planning are crucial. ACT has been helping clients to develop automated disaster recovery solutions with hardware independence, scalability, and flexibility.

ACT offers two disaster recovery solutions that serve both Azure and on-premise infrastructure.

Common Disaster Recovery & Continuity Challenges

Businesses that face a disaster, whether a hurricane or a cyberattack, face many of the same challenges.

DR/BC Strategy

Developing a strategy to determine actual Recovery Time Objectives.

Developing a Process

Establishing a process to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster.

Restoring Data

Facing the challenges of restoring data after an outage.

Managing Interruptions

Managing processes that have a significant financial impact on the business.

Having Critical Application Processes in Place

Understanding and preparing for the impact on application recoverability and business continuity.

ACT Disaster Recovery /Business Continuity Solutions

We have developed partnerships with the world's leading technology companies to give our customers access to proven solutions regardless of business size or industry. These solutions include:

Application Impact Assessment

We'll work with you to determine recovery times at the application level to ensure service delivery and continuity.

Network and Infrastructure Review

Determine the current state of your network to determine DR readiness.

Design Solutions to Lower Recovery Times

Create solutions that reduce data on the network to lower recovery time and cut costs for expensive bandwidth services.

Build Robust Infrastructure

To support and deliver access to remote workers.

Consistent Testing

Conduct regular disaster recovery testing and perform proactive maintenance services on continuity solutions.

Business Outcomes

ACT disaster recovery and business continuity services provide companies with positive business outcomes including:


Threat Assessment

Assessing current needs and security gaps and then developing a strategy to implement Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) for your business.

Speed to Recovery

Faster recovery times to get you back in business while minimizing financial impacts after a disaster.

Recovery Roadmap

Putting processes in place for critical application recovery.

Data Recovery

Designing and implementing automated data backup and recovery systems to minimize the impact of a disaster and protect critical data.

Ready to learn more?

Call ACT today and let us show you the benefits of our disaster recovery and business continuity solutions.